Disclaimer: NO, we’re not going to lecture you about the effects that sugar and Halloween candy can have on kids’ teeth.

But because Halloween candy is kiiiind of the worst, we’ve decided to partner with Blue Star Moms on a really cool Candy Buy Back program!

halloween jack o lantern bucket overflowing with PRXZQC6 - Want to Know How Your Halloween Candy Can Help our Troops?

Here’s all you need to do:

  •  Stop by our office the week after Halloween (Nov 4-8)
  • Trade in your kids’ leftover candy for hard cold cash! We’re talking $1 per pound, so the more they bring in, the more they take home!

The Blue Star Mom Group is a non-partisan, non-political non-sectarian, non-discriminatory and non-profit organization that supports the military through acts of service. We donate all the candy we collect to Blue Star Moms — who then uses it as packing material in special packages to our troops.

If you want to support our troops and give them a little taste of home, stop by after Halloween to cash in your leftover candy!

bluestarmoms1 - Want to Know How Your Halloween Candy Can Help our Troops?
This site’s strategy, design, photo & video were created by the marginally-above-average folks @ Clear Partnering Group.